Antique George III Oak and Mahogany Dresser Housekeeper, c 1810
A good Shropshire George III oak and mahogany cross banded dresser. Open plate rack with moulded cornice and three shelves, upon the base with a moulded and rounded top over three oak lined and cockbeaded frieze drawers. Oval brass back plates and swing handles. Cabriole front legs, square stile to rear. Good original colour throughout.
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Product Name | Dimensions | Weight | Categories | Tags |
Antique Victorian Chippy Painted White Housekeeper Pantry Cupboard, c1860 | 52 × 101 × 142 cm | kg | Housekeeper’s Cupboard, Cabinetry, Tall Cabinets | Antique, cabinet, Chippy Painted White Housekeeper Pantry Cupboard, cupboard, dresser, estate, Farmhouse, housekeeper, housekeeper’s, housekeeper’s cupboard, interior, painted, Pine, solutions, storage, victorian |
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